How is Spendable balance calculated?

Tap on the Spendable balance on the dashboard for a detailed breakdown of the calculation.
Spendable balance seems a bit off...

Please make sure that you've included only regular or depository accounts that you often use.
Exclude savings, investment, retirement and other similar accounts, as these will count towards your Spendable balance.
If you notice any recurring expenses that have not been automatically detected, make sure to mark them manually. This ensures that these expenses are accounted for in your Spendable amount calculation.
How do I add new accounts?

Go to Accounts tab and tap '+' on the top right corner. We recommend only adding depository accounts that you regularly use for everyday expenses.
Note: Exclude savings, investment, retirement and other similar accounts, as these will count towards your Spendable balance.
How do I exclude accounts from analysis?

Go to Accounts tab and click on 'Edit' on the top right corner, then toggle on/off on accounts you want to exclude.
Note: We recommend only adding depository accounts that you regularly use for everyday expenses.
Exclude savings, investment, retirement and other similar accounts, as these will count towards your Spendable balance.
Is there a cap on the number of linked institutions?

There's no limit on the number of accounts or institutions that you can connect.
How can I increase the accuracy of the Spendable amount?

To increase the accuracy of your Spendable amount, follow these steps:
• Add your depository accounts: It's recommended to include all the accounts where your income is deposited or cash is stored. This typically includes checking accounts, savings accounts, and any relevant credit cards. By adding these accounts, the algorithm will have a more complete understanding of your financial situation.
• Manually mark recurring expenses: If you notice any recurring expenses that have not been automatically detected, make sure to mark them manually. This ensures that these expenses are accounted for in your Spendable amount calculation.
By adding your depository accounts and manually marking recurring expenses, you will provide the algorithm with a more comprehensive view of your finances, resulting in a more accurate Spendable amount.
How is the Safe to spend amount calculated?

Cashews forecasts your income and expenses for the next four weeks based on patterns identified in your account transactions.
Here's the formula: Predicted Income (-) Predicted Expenses
What is the estimated time for the Insights to populate with data?

Usually it’s less than a minute but could take up to 15 minutes while we fetch all of the transactions.
If it doesn't populate within 15 minutes, contact our support and we'll take a closer look.
I would like to MANUALLY add upcoming expenses and set budgeting goals!

Just tap on 'Add new' button on the Dashboard inside Goals widget. Follow the instructions on the screen to add one more goals.
I’m not seeing all of my recurring expenses...

If you're missing some of your recurring expenses, here's how our detection system works:
Our automatic algorithm identifies recurring expenses when a transaction happens once per month for a minimum of 3 consecutive months with the same vendor. It considers transactions that fall within a range of ±3 days from the projected date and have a value within ±5% of the expected transaction amount.
Additionally, you have the option to manually mark a transaction as recurring. This allows you to set the periodicity of the transaction yourself, ensuring it is correctly recognized as a recurring expense.
How do you connect to our financial data and is it read-only?

We connect to your financial data via Plaid ( and have a read-only access to your data.
Our algorithm then analyzes and predicts what Spendable amount you can safely spend the next day, week or month.
I’m having issues connecting to my bank.

Issues come in different types. For some banks, you can choose multiple login options, so make sure you tried them all.
If it still doesn’t work, please send us a screenshot of the issue and we’ll escalate this with Plaid, our financial data connection provider.
I don’t see my bank or financial institution on the list.

In some cases it might happen that your bank is not connected to Plaid. Please let us know which bank isn’t supported and we’ll send a support request to Plaid, our financial data connection provider.
How can I remove and account I do not want to use?

Go into Settings - Banks and remove accounts there.
Can I manually mark transactions as recurring expenses?

Certainly! You have the ability to manually mark transactions as recurring expenses. To do this, follow these steps:
• Tap on the expense you want to mark as recurring.
• Look for the 'Mark as recurring' option and toggle it on.
• By default, the transaction will be set to a monthly recurrence. However, you can choose other periodicity options according to your preference.
Please note that you can only mark transactions as recurring expenses if they are newer than the 1st of the previous month.
How are payments made with a Credit Card handled?

If the Credit Cards are linked in Cashews, we don't count the credit card payments as an expense. It's considered a transfer between accounts. However, each transaction on the credit card is treated like an expense (recurring or normal).
If the Credit Cards are not linked in Cashews, then the payments are treated as expenses.
How can I double check if my transactions are included in the calculation?

All transactions displayed on the "All transactions" page are taken into account in the calculation. Additionally, you can locate and exclude specific transactions by tapping on individual transaction.
My balance is blurry, how can I fix it?

Go to Settings - Show balance. If you want your balance shown turn the option ON.
Do you support any other banks than the ones in the United States?

Right now banks outside the United States are not supported. We plan to support other countries in the future. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest information.